


Active Projects and Projects WITHOUT Deadline
are marked

Waterart Project Wednesday, 25-Nov-98 07:01:20 writes:

Water Art

Please send me WATER ART. I will send WATER ART back to you. WATER ART. YOSHIKO YAMAMOTO



Yoshiko Yamamoto

Artists Trading Cards Wednesday, 25-Nov-98 07:02:45 writes:

Artist Trading Cards


m. vanci stirnemann

dufourstrasse 132

ch - 8008 zMürich


dear friend: i invite you to the ARTIST TRADING CARD project:

the ARTIST TRADING CARD is basically a variation of the well-known trading cards one can buy - same size (64 X 89 millimeters / 2.5 X 3.5 inch) but it differs in the way it is produced : it is either an original or a vary small edition.

The project: send 20 cards (an editin of 20) to copy-left size is 64 X 89 millimeters or 2.5 X 3.5 inch (trading card standard size) sign, date and number on the back there is no theme there is no deadline

each participant will get a set of 15 artist trading cards from different artists you can participate more than one time - it is an ongoing projects and: you can trade single cards as well - in person or my mail please copy this invitation and send it to your friends.

yours m. vanci stirnemann A1 Waste Paper Company

La Griffe (d'art) Wednesday, 25-Nov-98 07:07:09 writes:

La Griffe (d'art) Mail art project Theme/subject: LA GRIFFE The Griffin CLAW SIGNATURE STAMP SCRATCH Format/size free. No Deadline. La Griffe

List of participants to all

Send to: 15 rue du Bourdon

4432 Xhendremael


La Griffe

PigDaDaArt Wednesday, 25-Nov-98 07:10:33 writes:

FLYING PIG * COCHON VOLANT project d'art postal no fees * no jury * no return size/format 9cm x 14cm or A4 ongoing * no deadline

Baudhuin Simon

Rue D'Hoffschmidt 71

B-6720 Habay la Neuve


Answer to all

Baudhuin Simon

Bric-a-Brac Wednesday, 25-Nov-98 07:12:49 writes:

Bric-a-Brac Under new management

Mail art zine

To participate send 20 pages Size 10.5 X 15cm. No B/W photocopies. Leave 1cm on longest side. Bound collection to every artist Send to new address:

Joe Decie, 11 Malvern Road, Alexandra Park, Nottingham, NG3 5GZ, England

Joe Decie

> Art Match Box Project Wednesday, 25-Nov-98 07:14:24 writes:

Art Match Box Project

No deadline any medium Periodical info to all participating

Send one or more artboxes to:

Hans Hess, Neuanbau Nr. 5, D-08340 Schwarzenburg, Germany

Hans Hess

1 von 20 Wednesday, 25-Nov-98 07:15:49 writes:

1 von 20

Please send 20 contributions (A4, drawings, paintings, photos, texts or what you want, front and back of paper, 3cm margin at left side) to: Jörg Seifert, Wilischstr.11, D-09456 Annaberg-Buchholz, Germany. all free, no jury, ,

all participants recieve one copy of '1 von 20'

Jörg Seifert

nuclear apocalypse Wednesday, 25-Nov-98 07:18:40 writes:

Mail art project

I have taken over this project from my friend Paul Dobson! Please send me anything based on the theme of a nuclear apocalypse No restrictions

No deadline Documentation to all. Send to: Send to: Tim Drage, Room 213 Blaenavon Hall, University of Wales College Newport, Caerleon Campus, P.O. BOX 179, Newport, NP6 1YG, UK

Tim Drage

Asrtsquare Wednesday, 25-Nov-98 07:59:36 writes:

Fill a 1.5 in x 1.5 in (4 cm x 4 cm) square box. Send it to me. Boxes will be arranged in a 5 x 5 grid in the order of their arrival. When your sheet is completed, you will be mailed a copy of the finished product. Easy and fun!

Art may be submitted by e-mail or a-mail (analog mail) to:

ASKalice Art Net, PO Box 246, Yardley, PA 19067-8246 USA

Copyart Wednesday, 25-Nov-98 08:11:54 writes:

A-4 Copy Correspondence Send your A-4 Copy art to:

Bart Vernburg; Brantsenstraat 1; 6814 CR Arnhem; The Netherlands

Bart Vernburg

Family 2000

Wednesday, 25-Nov-98 08:14:04 writes:

Family 2000

All technicals (?)huh????

All mean expression

not returns,not jury,list participants to all,exhibition is possible-definatly not guarantee deadline 12/31/98 send to:

Popo mail art; Rue General de Gaulle,14; B-4.624 Romsee; Belgium

Ethnic Art Wednesday, 25-Nov-98 08:15:21 writes: Ethnic Art

Please send me your "ethnic art" to:

Kumi Kawanda; 860 Higashitani,Kagawa-cho; Kagawa-gun Kagawa 761-17; JAPAN

Kumi Kawanda

women only!!! Wednesday, 25-Nov-98 08:16:49 writes: Mail Art Call: MEN (by women only).

I don't understand them, do you? Try to capture the enigma. Postcard size, any media, documentation to all.

Deadline: December 31, 1998 Send to:

ARTBAT P.O. Box 1454 San Ramon, CA 94583

Artistsamps 2000 Wednesday, 25-Nov-98 08:19:47 writes: Artistamps

Theme: Design a stamp(s) for the millenium and send one sheet of stamps. May be a regular stamp or a souvenir sheet. Se-tenant designs encouraged (several different stamps on the same sheet). Address:

George Kovats (The Continental), 9829 Fosbak Drive, Vienna, VA 22182


Medium: Any print medium, Size: Your choice

Deadline: March 13, 1999

Include your name, address and e-mail on the back side and give information on the medium used.

Documentation to all participants, no returns, all work exhibited George Kovats

Ireland Today

Thursday, 26-Nov-98 03:25:31 writes:

Background: In summer 99, I will be in Ireland again to spend 5 or 6 weeks with my family in our second home. Supported by "Mayo County Council", who showed a big interest in mail art, this present project will be exhibited in a few places in the county. As soon as exact dates and locations are known, it will be mentionned on this page

Call for entries: Send your viewpoint of the Ireland today Any media, max size A4 (21x30cm) - No jury, no sales, no return.

deadline: July 1st 1999

Exhibition: August 1999, in different locations in County Mayo, Ireland Send to:

Fan Mail, p.o.Box 66, L-6401 Echternach, Luxembourg.

Documentation: catalogue to all participants after the show.

Fan Mail Thursday, 26-Nov-98 08:13:51 writes: send mail art to

FROST; H-1072 Budapest; AKácfa utca 30, I./4.; HUNGARY

web exhibition of mail art received begins soon at this address (

there will also be reply art please no e-mail art for this show


GOM@ Global Organization of Mail Artists Friday, 27-Nov-98 04:53:20 writes: AU+MA


GOM@ (Global Organization of Mail Artists)

The group AU MA+gom@ (Urgent Action – Mail Art), consider the first stage of this project to be closed, once achieved that both Spanish and English Court sentenced the ex-dictator and Chilean life senator, Augusto Pinochet, must to be put in trial for crimes of genocide, international terrorism and torture.

For these crimes, Pinochet was requested by the laws of several countries (Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland...and others). The extradition proceedings will take time. However, we consider the precedent established will make possible to be optimists about the make up of an International Court to fight the crimes against humanity.

On the other hand, our campaign was mainly aimed at Mail Art world, even thought a lot of people from another circles did identify with our call. In that respect, we want to declare that our report of the case of Humberto Nilo -ex Director of the University of Chile’s Fine Art School, who was dimissed from his position after the organization of the Mail Art exhibition "Stop: liberty, diversity and pluralism"- is still not solved. Because this reason, we will continue making all efforts to give him back his position.

AU MA+gom@ November, 26, 1998

EL COLECTIVO AU MA+gom@ (Acción Urgente - Organización Mundial del Mail Art), da por concluida la primera etapa de este proceso, una vez conseguido que tanto los tribunales españoles como los ingleses hayan sentenciado que el ex-dictador Chileno y senador vitalicio Augusto Pinochet, debe ser juzgado por los múltiples crimenes de genocidio, terrorismo internacional y tortura. Delitos cuyo procesamiento ha sido solicitado por diversos países.(España, Francia, Alemania, Suiza...) El proceso de extradición, probablemente será largo. Pero consideramos que a partir de estos momentos, el precedente sentado permitirá contemplar con nuevas perspectivas la formación de un Tribunal Internacional para combatir los crímenes
contra la humanidad. Por otro lado, nuestro manifiesto iba dirigido al universo del Mail Art, que es donde nos movemos. Bien es cierto que al mismo se han sumado otras personas y colectivos que se han identificado con nuestro llamamiento. En este sentido, queremos dejar constancia de que nuestra denuncia por el caso del ex-Director de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Chile, Humberto Nilo, expulsado de su cátedra después de organizar una covocatoria de Mail Art por "La Libertad en la Enseñanza de las Artes", no ha sido solucionado. Es por ello que proseguiremos en nuestro esfuerzo para que le sea restituido su cargo.

AU MA+gom@ A 26 de Noviembre de 1998 Memoria de un proceso

17-10-98 Primeras noticias de la detención de Augusto Pinochet en Inglaterra 18-10-98 Envio de un borrador de comunicado por parte del Boek861 a 10 mail-artistas

19-10-98 Contestan al mismo y le dan el visto bueno: Clemente Padín Tartarugo Vortice

20-10-1998 Inmediatamente se traduce en inglés

21-10-98 Hans Braumüeller se suma al grupo organizador:

Cesar Reglero/Boek861/España Tartarugo/España Clemente Padín/Uruguay Fernando García Delgado/Vortice/Argentina Hans Braumüeller/Alemania

-Se empieza a enviar a los respectivos mailings de cada uno de nosotros. Inmediatamente comienzan las primeras adhesiones entre mail-artistas y el colectivo universal del mundo de las artes y la cultura.

22-10-98 Se plantea la necesidad de difundir el comunicado entre aquellos que no cuentan con e-mail, para lo cual se insertan las direcciones postales de los organizadores y el conocido lema de "copia y difunde". También se envían cartas a destacados netwoeker para que, a su vez, las redistribuyan, entre mail-artistas sin e-mail.

23-10-98 Se inician los contactos con los medios de comunicación para que se hagan eco del comunicado

24-10-98 Se establecen redes paralelas a las de los organizadores para captar adhesiones por otras vías.

25-10-1998 Se incluye en el comunicado aquellas websites en las que se difunde y que tratan aspectos relacionados con el mismo y el caso de Humberto Nilo.

26-10-1998 Se plantea la forma en que las adhesiones al comunicado deben llegar a los organismos internacionales

28-10-1998 Se conoce la sentencia de Tribunal Supremo londinense: denegando la extradición. Gran sorpresa para los organizadores que no se habían planteado esta posibilidad. El manifiesto estaba dirigido contraa las fuerzas reaccionarias españolas infiltradas en la Justicia. Se emite un comunicado para redoblar esfuerzos ante las apelaciones pertinentes.

29-10-1998 Deliberación del Pleno de lo Penal de la Audiencia Nacional. Después de lo de Londres, el equipo organizador tenía pocas esperanzas.

30-10-1998 Sorpresa. Objetivo cumplido. La Audiencia establece que España es competente para juzgar penalmente a Pinochet y, en consecuencia, para solicitar su extradición. De paso, queda implícito sus delitos de genocidio y de terrorismo internacional. Aplicable igualmente al caso de Argentina y, por extensión a una cincuentena de implicados.

31.1.1998 Hay que replantearse nuevos objetivos. Cuando se cumple el onceavo día de campaña, el grupo organizador esta bastante desorganizado. Ha sido demasiada información, en muy poco tiempo. Lo cierto es que los resultados son satisfactorios en tanto en cuanto, hemos trabajado conjuntamente cuatro países y dos continentes, sin haber organizado ni previsto nada con anterioridad al día 19 de Octubre de 1998. Completamente espontáneo y como dice Padín: "La formación de un colectivo desde las raices impulsado por la necesidad de una causa justa".

1.11.1998 Varios días sin contacto con Fernando García Delgado constituye una seria preocupación para el grupo. Tartarugo se hace cargo de la base general de datos y, robándole horas al sueño, quedan actualizados en el día de hoy.

2.1.1998 -No había sido secuestrado por ningún virus pinochetista, Fernando García Delgado tuvo que hacer un viaje relámpago al Museo de Arte Moderno de Mendoza a la Bienal de Arte Experimental. -Se empiezan a sentar las bases para formar una red de acciones urgentes de mail-artistas. -Localización de direcciones electrónicas de organismos internacionales. Se pretende que las firmas del manifiesto y un nuevo comunicado lleguen antes del miercoles. (Inicio del proceso en la Cámara de los Lores)

3-1-1998 El día de las direcciones electrónicas. Todo el grupo revuelto a la búsqueda de un comunicado final para aadjuntar las firmas a los organismos internacionales. Una vez más se cumple el objetivo y las Presidencias de Chile, Inglaterra, España, ONU, CEE, Amnistia Internacional, Comisión de Derechoc Humanos, etc recibiran el manifiesto

4-11-1998 - -El envio del manifiesto supone un trabajo descomunal para Tartarugo (base de datos del grupo). Su control estadístico anuncia sorpresas ante la recepción del mensaje. -Paralelamente y mientras estamos a la espera de la resolución de la Cámara de los Lores, se sigue trabajando en paralelo, y sobre la marcha, buscando por concenso un nombre y un logotipo para este grupo surgido "de la necesidad".

-"AU x MA"/Colectivo de Acción Urgente de Mail Art. Es, en primera instancia el nombre elegido y, por otro lado, recibimos el diseño de varios logos realizados por Fernando García Delgado. Una innovación la proporciona Hans Braumüeller con la idea de "Global Organization" (Gom@)

5-11-98- El día de los archivos cruzados. Mientras estamos a la espera del veredicto de la Cámara de lo Lores, una auténtica guerra de archivos cruzan los continentes. Se esta aprovechando el impass para ponernos al día con los cientos de mensaajes acumulados y acabar de diseñar los logos. Al mismo tiempo, se envía el primer borrador de los objetivos de "AU X MA".

6-11-98- -Nos levantamos con una mala noticia. Tartarugo nos anuncia que tiene que dejarnos unos día por un viaje urgente. ¡Horror! Se va la base de datos. Sólo tres días, pero en tres días puede pasar cualquier cosa. Fernando García Delgado toma el relevo.

-Una traducción de Guy Ferdinnde, pone el manifiesto en un tercer idioma, el francés. En su honor se decide funcionar con los tres idiomas. No es un problema de voluntad, es un problema de falta de traductores (vía urgente) Estabamos traabajando con los dos idiomas que dominaaba el grupo.

-Nos empiezan a llegar las primeras adhesiones por correo ordinario.

-El Gobierno español comienza los trámites "oficiales" para solicitar la estradición de Pinochet. La Cámara de los Lores, se lo está tomando con calma, y lo que parecía que se iba a resolver rápidámente, parece que va para largo.

7-11-98 Fernando García Delgado asume en la usencia de Tartarugo la base de datos

8-11-98 a 25-11-98 A la espera de que los Lores establezcan la sentencia definitiva. El grupo sufre un relajamiento que se refleja en el espaciamiento de los mensajes. Se establecen las bases del futuro colectivo (AU MA+Gom@) pero resulta evidente que la adrenalina que se había puesto al 100 por 100 en plena campaña, ha sufrido un bajón considerable. La conclusión que se puede extraer de esta evidencia es que un grupo que ha nacido "en la acción", requiere esta sustancia para mantener el ritmo de trabajo adecuado. Sin embargo hay dos propuestas dentro del grupo que requieren una respuesta. Por un lado la propuesta de Elías Adasme, artista chileno residente en Puerto Rico y amigo de Humberto Nilo, de lanzar una convocatoria de mail-art apoyando a Humberto Nilo y asociandola al caso Pinochet. Es decir, sustituir las adhesiones "textuales" por otro tipo de adhesiones gráficas/plásticas. Por otro lado Clemente Padín manifiesta su preocupación por el caso del periodista afro-americano, Mumia Abu-Jamal, condenado a muerte y a quién se le ha negado su último recurso de apelación y existe el peligro de que sea ejecutado en un plazo de 30-60 dias. Curiosamente, César Reglero había mostrado igualmente esta preocupación en el Boek861 del mes de Diciembre. Por lo tanto, ya existe material de trabajo para que AU MA + Gom@ se plantee su próxima acción urgente.
25-11-1998 La Cámara de los Lores deciden que PINOCHET NO GOZA DE INMUNIDAD. Este es el mejor final que podía tener todo este proceso. En este momento queremos dar las gracias a todos aquellos que nos han mostrado su apoyo y sobre todo ¡FELICIDADES!

A partir de ahora, AU MA + Gom@ seguirá su propio camino

Report of the action 17-10-98 First news of the arrest of Augusto Pinochet in England.
18-10-98 Sending of an official notice from Boek861 to 10 mail-artists.

19-10-98 Clemente Padín, Tartarugo and Vortice answer this notice and give the approval to it.

20-10-98 The manifesto is immediately translated to English

21-10-98 Hans Braumueller adds to the organizing group:

Cesar Reglero/Boek861/España,


Clemente Padín/Uruguay,

Fernando García Delgado/Vortice/Argentina,

Hans Braumueller/Alemania

The manifesto is sent to the respective mailings of each one of us. Immediately the first adhesions between mail-artists and the universal group of the world of the arts and the culture begin.

22-10-98 We consider to spread the official notice between all the people who not have an e-mail: the postal addresses of the organizers and the well-known "copy and pass" motto are inserted within the notice. Also letters are sent to networkers to be redistributed.

23-10-98 The contacts with mass media begins to spread the manifesto.

24-10-98 The group put contacts in place with parallel networks to catch adhesions by other channels.

25-10-1998 Websites which spreads and treats aspects related to the Humberto Nilo case are included in the official notice.

26-10-1998 The group considers the form in which the adhesions to the official notice must arrive at international organisms.

28-10-1998 The sentence from London Court is announced today: denying the extradition. Great surprise for the organizers who had not considered this possibility. The manifesto was directed against the infiltrated reactionary forces in Spanish Justice. An official notice is emitted to redouble efforts before the pertinent appeals.

29-10-1998 Deliberation of the Spanish Law Court. After the London affaire, the organizing equipment had few hopes.

30-10-1998 Beautiful surprise. Fulfilled objective. The Spanish Law Court establishes that Spain is competent to judge Pinochet and, consequently, to ask for its extradition. At the same time, the crimes of genocide and international terrorism of Pinochet are implicity recognized. Applicable also to the case of Argentina and, by extension, to a more of fifty involved persons.

31-1-1998 It is necessary to reconsider new objectives. In the eleventh day of campaign, the organizing group is enough disorganized. It has been too much information, in very just a short time. The certain thing is that the results are satisfactory as soon as, we have jointly worked four countries and two continents, without to have organized nor to have anticipated nothing prior to day 19 of October of 1998. Completely spontaneous and, as Padín says: " the formation of a group from the roots impelled by the necessity of a fair and just cause".

1,11,1998 Several days without contact with Fernando García Delgado constitutes a serious preoccupation for the group. Tartarugo becomes the general database and, robbing sleeping hours, data are updated.

2,1,1998 – He was not been kidnapped by any pinochetista virus, Fernando García Delgado was travelling to the Museum of Modern Art of Mendoza to the Biennial of Experimental Art. - The group begins to lay the foundations of a network of urgent actions of mail-artists. Location of electronic directions of international organisms. The group try to send the manifesto to the international organizations before wednesday (beginning of the process in the Chamber of Lords)

3-1-1998 Day of the electronic addresses. All the group searching a final official notice to send to the international organisms. Once again, the objective is fulfilled and the Presidencies of Chile, England, España... the UN, the EU, Amnesty International, Human Rights Commissions, etc will receive the manifesto

4-11-1998 - - Sending the manifesto supposes an extraordinary work for Tartarugo (database of the group). Its statistical control announces surprises before the reception of the message. – At the same time, and while we are waiting to the decision of the Chamber of Lords, we are looking for a name and logo for this group arisen " from the necessity ". –

" AU x MA"/ Urgent Action of Mail Art is, in first instance, the chosen name and, on the other hand, we received the design of several logos made by Fernando García Delgado. Hans Braumueller provides an innovation with the idea of " Global Organization of Mail Artists" (Gom@)

5-11-98- Day of crossed archives. While we are waiting to the verdict of the Chamber of Lords, an authentic war of archives crosses the continents. We take advantage of impass to update the hundreds of accumulated messages and to finish the design of the logo. At the same time, the first rough draft of the objectives of " AU X MA " is sent.

6-11-98- - Day begins with the bad news. Tartarugo announces to us that he must leave three days us because an urgent trip. Horror! The data base goes away. Only three days, but in three days anything could happen. Fernando García Delgado replaces him. –

A translation of Guy Ferdinande, puts the manifesto in a third language, French. In his honor it is decided to work with the three languages. It is not a will problem, but a problem of lack of translators (urgent channel). We was working with both languages that group knows, Spanish and English. –

First adhesions by ordinary mail begins to arrive. –

The Spanish Government begins " the official " proceedings to ask for the extradition of Pinochet. Chamber of Lords takes the case easy and what it seemed that was going away to solve quickly, it seems now that goes for length.

7-11-98 Fernando García Delgado assumes the database during the days in wich Tartarugo is in Madrid.

8-11-98 – 25-11-98 Waiting for the Chamber of the Lords’ sentence. The group become more relaxed as we can note for a smaller number of e-mails than last weeks. The basis for the future group AU MA + Gom@ are established but it’s obvious than the adrenaline went down after a lot of work during the last days. Conclusion: a group formed "in the action" needs action to go on . However, two proposals within the group needs an answer. On one hand a proposal by Elías Adasme, a Chilean artist friend of Humberto Nilo who lives in Puerto Rico, for to make a mail-art project supporting Nilo and linking his case with the Pinochet affaire. On the other hand, Clemente Padín shows his concern about the case of the American journalist Muama Abu-Jamal who has been condemned to death. They were refused his last appeal and he could be executed in the next 30-60 days. Oddly, César Reglero have showed his concern about the case in the December issue of Boek861. The material for the next urgent action of AU MA + Gom@ is ready.

25-11-98 PINOCHET HAVE NOT INMUNITY, the Lords says. The best end for all the process. Rigth now, we can to thank all the people who have shows their support and above all CONGRATULATIONS!

AU MA + Gom@ will continue its own way.

Pinochet, la justicia y Humberto Nilo

Hace aproximadamente un año, el profesor de BB.AA. de la Universidad de Chile, Humberto Nilo Saavedra, promovía una convocatoria de Mail Art en favor de la libertad de enseñanza para las artes. Unos meses después, era expulsado de su cátedra. La dictadura seguía operando. Ahora ha sido detenido el ex-dictador y senador vitalicio chileno, Augusto Pinochet. De la manera más insospechada ha quedado bajo custodia en Inglaterra ante la petición de extradición de un juez español, Baltasar Garzón. La acusación es de más de 90 delitos por genocidio, terrorismo internacional y tortura. Ante el peligro de que el proceso sea detenido por fuerzas reaccionarias españolas, solicitamos a todos los mail artistas su solidaridad para que la justicia se aplique con todo rigor.

Pinochet, the justice and Humberto Nilo

Approximately a year ago, the Director and Academic of the Arts School of the University from Chile, Humberto Nilo Saavedra, promoted a Mail Art call to please the freedom in education for the arts. Months later, he was expelled from his chair. The dictatorship continued operating. Now, the ex-dictator and Chilean life senator, Augusto Pinochet, has been arrested . In such an unexpected way, he is in the custody of the court in England as a result of the request for extradition from a Spanish judge, Baltasar Garzón. The charges are for more than 90 crimes of genocide, international terrorism and tortures. Faced with the danger that the process can be stopped by Spanish reactionary forces, we asked for solidarity to all the mail artists for justice to be strictly applied.

Pinochet, la Justice et Humberto Nilo

Il y a de cela un an environ, le Directeur de l’École d’Arts del’Université du Chili, Humberto Nilo Saavedra, lançait un appel en faveur de la liberté dans l’enseignement artistique. Quelques mois plus tard sa chaire lui était retirée; la dictature continuait ses basses œuvres. Et puis voilà que, l’ex-dictateur chilien et sénateur à vie, Augusto Pinochet, est arrêté. Alors qu’on ne s’y attendait pas, il est placé en garde à vue par la justice britannique, à la requête d’un juge espagnol, Baltasar Garzòn. Les charges ? Génocides, terrorisme international, tortures, etc: ce sont quatre vingt dix crimes de ce type qui l’accusent! Face au danger que la procédure engagée ne soit stoppée par les forces réactionnaires espagnoles, nous en appelons à la solidarité de tous les artistes d’art postal afin que la justice soit strictement appliquée.


A Cova da Terra Abel Figueras Abraham Vecina Gutiérrez AG(+A)e-1 Agurrak Aiolidiggi Alberto Duarte Alberto González Alejandra Sequeira Alejandro Beltrán Alfons Herraiz Alfonso Sorribes Alicia Bay Laurell Alicia Gil Aljosa Abrahamsberg Amir Brito Cador Amoniako-Markt Amy Baylaurel Casey Ana Tiscornia Ana-Aj Anabel Vanoni Anahí Caceres Anahí Flores Anchi Andrea Cárdenas Andrés Burbano Anna Banana Anna M Pàmies Annie Wallois Antonio Lirio Barajas Archivo Situacionista Arenaton-Docks Armando Pérez Artur Matuck Ateneu Gastronómico Restaurant Enoteca Culture Beatriz Cilleruelo Beatriz Ramírez Beatriz Silva Bod Grumman BOEK 861 Boog Bora Balar Brazil 500 Years Friday, 27-Nov-98 11:38:12 writes:


We are celebrating the 500 years of Brazil's discovery and would like to comemorate with a big exhibition with your colaboration. You have to know more about this country, it is a paradise! Mail Art International Show "BRAZIL 500 YEARS" Send to: Galeria de Arte Vera Ferro Technique: Any Medium Size: A4 max. R. Helena Steimberg 348 Deadline: july 31st.,1999 Campinas - SP - Brazil CEP 13092 - 481 Exhibition & Documentation

Fanny and Vera

ANIMAL ART Friday, 27-Nov-98 16:48:38 writes:

Animals in Mailart,

Museumexhibition, send your ART to: Klaus Rupp

Zoologisches Institut/Zoologisches Museum,

Martin-Luther-King-Pl! 3,

20146 Hamburg


snail-mail digitized Friday, 27-Nov-98 17:43:55 writes:

I am doing a project where my snail-mail has to be digitized and e-mailed back to me. The result is shown in a online gallery at:

If you want to participate, drop me an e-mail, and you'll get something by the traditional post to digitize. Don't forget to send the snail-mail address..... Ruud Janssen

Fluxus Bucks, me & You Friday, 27-Nov-98 19:14:08 writes:

Great to see so many familiar names here! Thanks to tartugo for letting me know this board exists. I look forward to some interesting communication with other mail artists. If you have recently sent Fluxus bucks to me for the reunion, thanks! It's now time to be patient...this documentation thing might take me a while. The good news about that is that if you have bucks you want to send in, you still can! Do it!

ex posto facto

pob 495522 garland,

tx 75049-5522


ex posto facto

The MOOn Sunday, 29-Nov-98 08:51:17 writes:


MAIL PROJECT Medium: free Size:free Ongoing *YAARA HOTZEN

7 Hayated st.




CHILDREN FIRST Sunday, 29-Nov-98 08:53:15 writes:

"CHILDREN FIRST" MAIL ART PROJECT Medium: free Size:free Deadline:30-06-99


Nicaragua 1286

Rosario, C.P. 2000-Argentina


"the seven capital sins" Monday, 30-Nov-98 03:39:53 writes:

The new project in Brazil.

" The Seven Capital Sins"

(envy, greed, sloth, wrath, lust, meaness, naughtiness).

Mail art - Technique/Size = free - No deadline Send to:

Arte Studio

Rua Dr. Emilio Ribas 1465

Cep. 13025 - 142

Campinas - SP - Brazil


Arte Studio

ARTISTAMP SAMPLER Monday, 30-Nov-98 03:49:57 writes:


For our 2nd annual Mail Art Show, we would like to include examples of artistamps. For exhibition or possibly a collaborative display book. Open

theme. Afix them to an A5 size card (15x21cm). Documentaion to all. Deadline May 30, 1999 SEND TO:

Expressions Graphics Gallery:

149 Harrison Street,

Oak Park, IL

60304 USA


Ethnic Art Monday, 30-Nov-98 04:00:17 writes: Ethnic Art

Please send me your "ethnic art"


Kumi Kawanda

860 Higashitani,Kagawa-cho

Kagawa-gun Kagawa 761-17


Kumi Kawanda

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